In honor of Billy Frank Jr.’s birthday, March 9 has been designated Billy Frank Jr. Day. Here are three books to read if you want to learn more about his life and the treaty rights struggle.
Tell the Truth: the collected columns of Billy Frank Jr.
This book covers almost 30 years of columns that ran in NWIFC publications and newspapers across the Pacific Northwest. All proceeds from the sale of the book go to the Billy Frank Jr. Salmon Forever Fund managed by Salmon Defense. You can also download a free ebook version here.
Messages from Frank’s Landing
From University of Washington Press:
Drawing on many hours spent talking and laughing with Billy Frank while canoeing the Nisqually watershed, Wilkinson conveys words of respect and responsibility for the earth we inhabit and for the diverse communities the world encompasses. These are the messages from Frank’s Landing. Wilkinson brings welcome clarity to complex legal issues, deepening our insight into a turbulent period in the political and environmental history of the Northwest.
Where the Salmon Run
From John Dodge, writing in the Olympian in 2012:
Heffernan talked to all the right people to write this book, from fellow Indian rights warrior Hank Adams to Franks’s son, Willie Frank III . . . Heffernan caught up with Frank six times for face-to-face interviews filled with candor, insight and patchwork quotes only Frank could knit together.