Puyallup Tribe opposes expanded hunt on weak elk herd

The Puyallup Tribe of Indians is opposing a proposed expanded hunt on the fewer than 1,000-animal herd. To decrease the number of human and elk interactions, the State of Washington is proposing an expanded hunt on antlerless elk along state Route 12 between Packwood and Morton. An expanded harvest on the South Rainier elk herd could cause the weak elk population to crash. The herd’s target population is more than 2,100, according to the tribal and state co-managers.

Healing of Hyas Creek From 1951 Fire Gets a Boost From Cooperative Effort

“There are only two anadromous fish-bearing tributaries in that portion of the South Fork Calawah drainage and Hyas Creek is one of them,” said Phil DeCillis, fisheries biologist for USFS. “It had the least amount of wood per mile of the streams we surveyed, so it was important to get more in there. The tributaries are important refuge areas for fish.”