Squaxin Island Tribe transfers over 1 million coho to netpens
From the Squaxin Island Tribe’s natural resources blog: This week the Squaxin Island Tribe Natural Resources (SINR) and Washington State…
Protecting Natural Resources for Everyone
From the Squaxin Island Tribe’s natural resources blog: This week the Squaxin Island Tribe Natural Resources (SINR) and Washington State…
Russ Svec, fisheries manager for the Makah Tribe, and Craig Bowhay of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission were part of…
“There are only two anadromous fish-bearing tributaries in that portion of the South Fork Calawah drainage and Hyas Creek is one of them,” said Phil DeCillis, fisheries biologist for USFS. “It had the least amount of wood per mile of the streams we surveyed, so it was important to get more in there. The tributaries are important refuge areas for fish.”
The Aberdeen Daily World has an article about the closure of the Chehalis River system to chinook fishing. The closure…
From the Federal Way Mirror: The salmon population in the Hylebos Creek is growing thanks to the work of students…
OLYMPIA (December 20, 2007) — The status quo isn’t always something to cheer about, but when it comes to securing…
Here are the videos of the recent NWIFC/State Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting, provided by TVW. Segment A:
Representatives of the 20 treaty Indian tribes in western Washington and the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission met Nov. 18…
The Kitsap Sun published an indepth story on the new selective chinook fisheries regulations, set by the tribes and the…