SVH: Upper Skagit Tribe’s Hansen Creek project under way

The Skagit Valley Herald has a story about the Upper Skagit Tribe’s project to restore habitat along Hansen Creek in Sedro-Woolley:

Crews are moving acres of dirt and rocks as part of an effort to restore the historic floodplain of Hansen Creek to help control flooding and increase salmon and steelhead numbers.

When the excavation is complete, a new setback levee will also protect 35 acres and 140 acres of wetlands and stream habitat at the 726-acre Northern State Recreation Area for recreational purposes.

In late July, crews began moving dirt at the site of the 140-acre restoration project just east of Sedro-Woolley at Helmick Road and Highway 20. The project is a partnership between the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, Skagit County and various federal and state agencies that have provided grants. The work will benefit wild chinook and coho salmon and steelhead trout.

“The project is moving along smoothly, and the tribe is pleased to see the progress to date,” said Scott Schuyler, natural resources director for the tribe.

On Aug. 3, the county modified its agreement with the tribe to increase funding for the project by as much as $357,500.