Suquamish Tribe Busy With Fish Transfers, Creosote Log Removal

The Kitsap Sun reported recently on the Suquamish Tribe’s latest projects, including its annual fish transfer from Gorst Hatchery to its Agate Pass net pens and its creosote log removal project with Department of Natural Resources at the tribe’s Doe-Keg-Wats beach property.

From The Kitsap Sun:

On Tuesday, a helicopter pilot directed his aircraft into the gusty winds, as rain-soaked ground crews prepared the logs for lifting. Each creosote log was dropped next to a road, where workers with chain saws sliced the pieces into six-foot lengths. The shortened pieces will be placed into dumpsters, which will be dumped into railcars, which will be dumped into a toxic-waste landfill in Klickitat County.

Crews also are picking up man-made trash scattered throughout the area.

This beach and estuary is known to the Suquamish as Doe-Keg-Wats, meaning “place of deer.” Tribal people came here to fish, dig clams and hunt deer for hundreds of years, said Tribal Chairman Leonard Forsman. Because of its relative isolation, the area remains an important place for tribal ceremonies, including weddings and memorial services, he said.