The Skagit Valley Herald (story not available online) reported last week on the SRF Board funding in Skagit County, which included several Skagit River System Cooperative and Upper Skagit Tribe project:
Local habitat efforts get state’s second-largest share of grant
A grant agency saw the value of protecting salmon in Skagit County. Organizations here have received $6.3 million from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board to restore salmon habitat.
Projects in Skagit County are getting the second-largest grant total in the state behind King County’s $7.1 million.The board awarded more than $60 million in salmon recovery grants statewide.
* The Skagit River System Cooperative received a little more than $1 million to acquire four properties along the Sauk River that are threatened by the encroaching river. Salmon habitat in that stretch of the river will be improved.
* The Whatcom Land Trust will use its $809,000 grant to acquire an 80-acre property on the south fork of the Nooksack River and restore a critical area for five different salmon species, bull trout and steelhead.
* The Skagit River System Cooperative received $495,000 to remove dredged material that had been piled in tidal marshes along the Swinomish channel and to replant native vegetation.