Puyallup Tribe closes coho fishery early to ensure future runs

– Tribal fishing on the Puyallup River is closed to make sure that enough adult coho make it back to a state-run hatchery to produce the next generation of fish.

The Puyallup Tribe has treaty-reserved rights to conduct a fishery in the river, which focuses on a run of hatchery coho.

“Future fisheries depend on there being enough fish in the hatcheries each year,” said Chris Phinney, fisheries management biologist for the Puyallup Tribe.

Only 10 coho salmon have returned so far this year to the state run Voight’s Creek hatchery. In a typical year, the hatchery should have between 350-600 coho by now. The Puyallup Tribe decided to close down the fishery until further notice.

Tribal staff will be in regular contact with state staff. If the coho numbers get close to the escapement goal of 1,000-1,200 the tribe will consider opening back up.


For more information, contact:Chris Phinney, fisheries management biologist, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, (253) 845-9225.