The Puyallup Herald ran a pretty good story on the Clarks Creek hatchery:
That’s where fish hatcheries like Clark’s Creek Hatchery, owned by the Puyallup Tribe, have made a difference.
In essence, fish hatcheries function as nurseries that protect the vulnerable eggs and baby fish, called “fry,” from predators and inclement conditions until they are larger and better equipped to fend for themselves. Hatcheries incubate thousands of eggs until they hatch, raising the young fry until they are mature, and then releasing them to swim out to the ocean.
The Clark’s Creek Hatchery became operational four years ago. The creek’s location was ideal, as it was a natural spawning place for the Coho to begin with.
Blake Smith, hatchery biologist for the tribe, said during the first year of the hatchery’s operation they released about 100,000 young salmon.
“They’re imprinted at Clark’s Creek, so they return here,” he said.