Peninsula Daily News: Last of the Elwha Dam to be removed this week

The Peninsula Daily News reported on the latest deconstruction efforts of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dam. What’s left of the old 108-foot-tall Elwha Dam is expected to be removed this week, allowing salmon to swim up river an additional 3.5 miles than allowed in nearly a century. The Elwha Dam was built at River Mile 5. The Glines Canyon Dam, at River Mile 8.5, won’t be completely removed until 2014. Construction crews will also start rerouting the river into its historic channel.

From the story:

Frances Charles, Lower Elwha Klallam tribal chairwoman, said there are few words that can describe how tribal members will feel when they see the first salmon jumping up the canyon.

“Everybody is going to be ecstatic, overwhelmed with it,” she said.

The tribe has long sought the removal of the two dams.

When the older Elwha Dam was finished 99 years ago 5 miles from the river’s mouth, it decimated the stream’s once legendary salmon runs and deprived the tribe of a valued natural resource.

“There are words you can’t express when you are down there taking a look” at the canyon, Charles said.

“I just feel it’s overwhelming. Beautiful.”