Northwest Treaty Tribes Magazine: Steelhead Migration Mystery

Our Summer Magazine features stories about the mysteries of steelhead migration, efforts to stop a green crab infestation, and a court ruling in the salmon’s favor. Download a free copy here or sign up for a free print subscription here.

The Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe is leading an investigation into why steelhead can’t make it past the Hood Canal Bridge:

 “We’re hypothesizing that there are multiple factors leading to the high mortality rates of steelhead observed at the Hood Canal Bridge,” said Hans Daubenberger, the (Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe’s) senior research scientist. “There are large pools under the bridge that seem to attract fish and may be acting like a baited mouse trap. The fish are attracted by zooplankton, which collects in the pool areas created by the bridge structure. The fish are then eaten by seals, birds and other predators.”