State of Our Watersheds: Makah Tribe brings back large wood for salmon

It is well established that logs and logjams provide vital habitat for salmon. More salmon leave watersheds where there is enough large woody debris for salmon.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case in many streams in the Makah Tribe’s area of interest. To reverse this trend, the tribe has been working to return wood to vital salmon streams, according to the most recent State of Our Watersheds Report, released by Northwest Treaty Tribes.

From the report:

The legacy and impacts of historic logging practices that harvested riparian zones is still felt as there is a reduced quantity and quality of large woody debris (LWD) available to be recruited to and retained in many streams in the Makah Tribe’s Area of Concern. Since 2012, the Tribe has been working to design and install engineered logjams in 1.3 miles of the mainstem Pysht River and other rivers to improve instream habitat complexity, floodplain connectivity and flood risk attenuation.

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