KUOW and Seattle Times coverage of Sally Jewell

Linda Mapes wrote about Washington tribes’ reaction to Sally Jewell being nominated for Interior Secretary:

“I think it is an excellent opportunity; she will definitely bring a fresh perspective,” said Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation.

Jewell would take over the reins at the department at a sensitive time for tribes. Fundamental questions, such as the right relationship with Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs, and how to better manage land ownership in Indian Country all are on the burner.

“We are building a transformative agenda,” Sharp said. “ We think she will be a good listener.”

W. Ron Allen, chairman at the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and chairman of the Washington Indian Gaming Commission, said Jewell isn’t as known to tribes as former Gov. Christine Gregoire, who had been rumored for the job. “We have never engaged with her,” Allen said of Jewell.

Billy Frank Jr., chair of the NWIFC, was also interviewed on KUOW this morning (starting at about 2:00).