PRIORITY BILLS TO DATE 11/2/03 (Bills inactive for apprx. 3 months have been deleted from this version.
For more information on those, please consult prior editions of Federal
Update, or call Steve Robinson at 360 438-1180, ext. 317)
Bill # | Sponsor | Description | Last Action/Status |
S 14 | Domenici | Energy Policy Act (rel bills:HR6,1644,S1005) |
7/31/03 Senate Floor (heard) |
S 195 | Chafee (RI) | Undrgrnd Strage/SolidWaste Disp (IncTribes) |
6/26/03 Senate Floor |
S 247 | Snowe (ME) | Harmful Algal Bloom-Enviromental Impacts | 10/28/03 Passed Senate |
S 525 | Levin (MI) | National Aquatic Invasive Species Act |
6/17/03 C Env&PubWrks-heard |
S 578 | Inouye (HA) | Tribal Govt.Amends to Homeland Security | 7/30/03 SCIA Hearing Held |
S 861 | Hollings (SC) | Coastal & Esturine Land Protection Act | 10/1/03 Senate Floor |
S 1107 | Craig (WY) | Recreational Fee Act ‘03 |
9/9/03 C on Energy & Nat Res |
S 1193* | Wyden (OR) | Cap.Construct.Fund Qual.Withdrawal Act,‘03 |
6/5/03 C on Finance |
S 1236 | Campbell (CO) | Tamarisk Control & Riparian Restoration Act | 9/23/03 SC on Water & P-Hrng |
S 1314 | Bingaman (NM) | Collaborative Healthy Forest Act ‘03 |
7/22/03 C on Energy & Nat Res |
S 1366 | Allard (CO) | Chronic Wasting | 6/26/03 C E&PW |
S 1401 | McCain (AR) | Reauthorizing NOAA | 7/17/03 C on Science- ord reprt |
S 1427 | Bennett (UT) | Ag Approps ‘04 | 7/17/03 Senate Floor |
S 1453 | Leahy (VT) | Forestry & Community Assistance Act ‘03 |
7/24/03 C on Ag, Nuit, Forestry |
S 1454 | Domenici (NM) | National Drought Preparation Act |
7/24/03 C on Ag, Nuit, Forestry |
S 1770 | Campbell (CO) | Indian $ Account Claim Satisfaction Act ‘03 |
10/29/03 SCIA Hearing |
HR37 | Boehlert (NY) | EPA-Cabinet Level | 9/9/03 Comm on Govt Ref- Hrng |
HR238 | Boehlert (NY) | Energy Research and Development |
6/27/03 Hs Floor/Un Calendar |
HR1856 | Ehlers (MI) | Harmful Algal Bloom, Environment. Impacts |
10/24/03 Resources-Extended |
HR 1899 | Young (AK) | Cape Fox Land Entitlement Adjustment Act | 10/15/03 House Floor |
HR 1904 | McInnis (CO) | Healthy Forest Restoration Act | 10/30/03 Passed Senate |
HR1945 | Thompson (CA) | Pacific Salmon Recovery Act |
9/6/03 House Floor |
HR 2057 | McInnis (CO) | Chronic Wasting Disease |
6/19/03 C’sAg/Res, SC’s,Hr Hld |
HR 2138 | Ose (CA) | Dept of Environmental Protection Act |
9/9/03 C on Govt. Reform |
HR 2169 | Leach (LA) | National Forest Protection & Restor.Act |
6/20/03 To SC on 21st CentComp |
HR2200 | Udall (CO) | Environmental Justice Act, ‘03 |
6/2/03 C on Env & Haz Mats |
HR 2310 | Rahall (WV) | Species Protection/Cons.of Environment Act |
6/9/03 SCon Forests&For.Health |
HR2360* | Capps (CA) | Cap.Construct.Fund Qual.Withdrawal Act,‘03 |
6/5/03 C’s W&M, Armed Serv |
HR2419 | Rahall (WV) | Native American Sacred Lands Act |
6/11/03 C on Resources |
HR 2535 | LaTourette (OH) | Economic Development Admin. Reauthor. Act |
10/21/03 Passed Hs, To Sen EPW |
HR 2557 | Young (AK) | WRDA | 9/26/03 Passed Hs, To Sen. EPW |
HR 2636 | Green (WI) | Chronic Wasting | 7/14/03 SC Livestock/Hortic |
HR 2654 | Vitter (LA) | Rigs to Reefs Act ‘03 |
7/31/03 SC Energy, Min. Res. |
HR 2673 | Bonilla (TX) | Ag Approps ‘04 | 7/24/03 Senate Floor |
HR 2691 | Taylor (NC) | DOI & Related Agencies Approps ‘04 |
10/28/03 Conference Report |
HR 2693 | Gilchrest (MD) | Amends to Marine Mammal Protection Act |
9/25/03 Passed SC on Fish |
HR 2871 | Hastings (FL) | National Drought Preparedness Act ‘03 |
8/12/03 SC on Water & Power |
HJR 73 | Young (FL) | Continuing Appropriations |
10/29/03 Senate Floor |