Arlington Times: Stillaguamish Tribe plants trees at “adopted” Hatt Slough boat launch

Arlington Times:

STANWOOD – Volunteers from the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians and Stanwood High School planted more than 300 native trees and shrubs from the Tribe’s BankSavers nursery at Hatt Slough Oct. 31, through the Department of Natural Resources’ “Adopt an Access” program.

The Tribe officially “adopted” the Hatt Slough boat launch on Marine Drive in Stanwood, Feb. 14, after Stillaguamish Tribal Chair Shawn Yanity learned of the “Adopt an Access” program through Brad Otto, of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, during their participation in the cooperative elk capture on Mount St. Helens the preceding fall.

According to Yanity, he and Otto agreed such an adoption could act as a positive symbol of “the ever-improving working relationship the Tribe and the Department of Fish and Wildlife have developed over the past several years.”