2010-2011 Annual Salmon, Steelhead, and Bull Trout Report: Puyallup/White River Watershed Water Resource Inventory Area 10

2010-2011  Annual Salmon, Steelhead,  and Bull Trout Report:  Puyallup/White River Watershed  Water Resource Inventory Area 10

Eric L. Marks, Russell C. Ladley, Blake E. Smith, Terry G. Sebastian; Fisheries Division, Puyallup Tribe of Indians. 2010-2011  Annual Salmon, Steelhead,  and Bull Trout Report:  Puyallup/White River Watershed  Water Resource Inventory Area 10.

The information and spawning data contained within this report is not all inclusive of the entire watershed, but rather focuses on those stream and river segments known to support the majority of spawners.  Over the past several season, the Puyallup/White River system has experienced a broad range in adult escapement, range and distribution for all salmon species, especially pinks.  Over 540,000 pink salmon were transported above Mud Mountain Dam on the White River in 2009.  In addition to increased pink returns, Chinook and coho escapements have experienced changes as well, this has made it necessary to survey more river miles to cover the expanding distribution for all species and determine the spawning escapement/success.

This report is organized alphabetically by stream name, project or facility.  If applicable, each includes river miles surveyed, the WRIA designation, as well as a description of the drainage, project or facility.  Most of the data is graphically represented by species, showing the total number of live fish, dead fish, and redds counted throughout the spawning season.  In addition, yearly species comparisons are presented when three or more years of survey data is available.  If less than three years of data is available, or if a particular drainage was not surveyed with any regularity, or if few fish were observed, no graphs are presented.  However, raw survey data for each stream and river surveyed can be found in Appendix D.  Some graphs in this report were generated using data collected by WDFW.  Also included in this report is information and data collected from several other Puyallup Tribal Fisheries projects, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) fish trap on the White River; PSE’s Electron forebay fish bypass facility; The Puyallup
Tribal Fisheries Puyallup River juvenile salmonid production assessment project (smolt trap); and the Puyallup Tribe of Indians salmon hatcheries on Clarks and Diru creeks.